YHM Services

Your body will be around a lot longer than that expensive handbag. Invest in yourself.

Wellness coaching

Our programs are tailored according to the needs of your organisation. Expert wellness coaches assess the requirements of each employee and develop the course of action accordingly.

KYN- Know Your Number

Our Know Your Numbers Program, helps each employee keep a direct tab on their biometric reports, their latest statistics & updates on their report. They can see the stats comparing their improvement over time to feel the change.


The consultation by top experts from UK. These include Cardiologist, Physicians, Nutritionists, Dieticians, Physiologist, Life Style Educators, psychologist who are among the best in the UK.

Regular follow-ups

Our team of experts in UK & India can do a follow up every sixth month with further consultation and discuss the improvements in physical and mental wellness.

Fitness, Nutrition & Lifestyle Medicine

Our experts will lead you in a right direction to adopt a healthier lifestyle. We work with you on diet, nutritional & supplement changes, physical activities to inculcate, helping you reduce tobacco & alcohol intake, stress management practices and helping you get you a right sleep cycle.

Biometric Screening

Simple screening procedures, including tests to rule out diabetes, blood pressure, high cholesterol & an ECG at convenience in your workplace with timely report updates on our app, website and through direct mails to the employees.